Sunday, April 30, 2023

OUH Test Features

I've released some new "Test Features" for On Unnamed Horizons- basically just some new Features for players which have been rattling around my notes for a bit.

Fair warning: none of these have been tested unlike those Features from the main book, but hopefully they're all fun or worth a test.

Also I wrote these up in a day and am realizing at the time of writing I forgot to run spellcheck but:

here we are.

EDIT: Spellcheck has been run- but the pain remains.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Life On The Mound

Life's been busy, as always. This year has been rough with some side obligations and work taking up a lot of my creative energy, limiting me to little side tasks and such. I don't expect that to drastically change any time soon, so I'm trying to do what I can.

Part of that is finally doing more with a little setting idea that's been rattling around in my head for the last few years. That and trying to work my way out of my shell, and to be less afraid to share stuff.

Anyway, here's a  v i d e o  I plan on using as a little pre-session zero teaser for some of my players. It was made in a mad dash this past weekend. I'm also not an expert- so excuse any errors and my nasally Midwestern voice. I hope you enjoy.