Sunday, May 5, 2024

OUH Version 1.2

Another big update!

- A lot of Features have been overhauled. In general: a lot of Schemery or Fighting stuff has been broken up, so that each technique is a little more akin to a Spell Word as something characters can learn through engaging with the world.

- Advancement Tracks are gone! Now levelling up is purely a matter of your character diegetically having the means and putting in the effort. This also was done in anticipation of running more open-table style games, so it's also intended to encourage players swapping characters more often.

- Various other small misc tweaks here and there also have been put in; mainly minor clarifications, typos, etc. and/or cutting down on page count. We're down to about ~20 or so pages of core content needed to hop in, and about ~74 pages in total, which I hope is pretty good.

- On the itch page itself, I've hid older versions of the documents.